Thursday, January 8, 2009

Participate in "A Doodle A Day"

A Doodle a Day sounds like it's just what I need to start the year off working towards accomplishing those resolutions. Thanks to Jessie Lilac for commenting on my latest IF post! In addition to leaving a really sweet message I found out about Alicia Padron's "A Doodle A Day" by checking out Jessie's blog. Click on the picture on the sidebar to find out more. And as far as pickles jars they really need to be so difficult to get open? On guard!


Alicia Padrón said...

I love him Christine!! He's got attitude and is so adorable too. :o)

I think is great you are participating as well. Good luck doodling!

Jess said...

Hi Christine, thanks for the link! :)
This drawing made me smile, he's so funny and so cute!x

Carli said...

he's very cute. great expression

C.B. Canga said...

cool style