Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Doodle A Day:Tightrope Walker

This is for a project I'm working on. I've not posted as much this week. I've had a sick child and have managed to hurt my neck/shoulder. I can't turn my head to the right. I think it might be a combination of the way I lean on my arm to paint and sleeping on it funny. That said, I do have high hopes that I'll be able to get this week's IF in on time. I did learn some good news. Jessie Lilac has given me my first blog award! Thanks Jessie! I'm so thankful you take the time to stop by and, on top of that, enjoy my work:) I'll be doing a post for the award and will pass it forward. Eek...who to pass it on to? So many fantastic people out there....


Caroline said...

A charming doodle, Christine! Hope both invalids are better soon. Take care.

Jess said...

An award well deserved Christine! I do like this sketch, lovely gesture and balance :)x