Thursday, January 19, 2012


A few facts about me:
I don't own a purple beret.
I don't wear glasses.
I never had any wild oats to sow.
I'm more nerd than cool.
I giggle at my own ideas.
I'm really hard on myself.
I secretly wish I had a super hero
cape in my closet. (Just in case.)
I think lime green is beautiful.

(I think I just prepared a better "about me". Now if I could just figure out how to update my site page...)


Sarah Melling said...

Just perfectly charming. Love this little bird!!

June said...

I think I like the sound of the person who is 'me'.


maharelillo said...

This is awesome, perfect, and perfectly cute. Your comment is perfect too.
Too many superlatives ? Nooo...

Ben Clanton said...

Darling illo! I wish I had a super hero cape in my closet too.

Chavah (HA-VA) Billin said...

Super Duper Cute! Really nice work!

Cindy D. said...

Charming is just the right word for this chick! So adorably detailed and colored.

Unknown said...

I love your little chick, So does that say something about you? Like your a total chick but you feel nerdy on the inside? Hmmm...

christine grove said...

Thanks everyone!! Yep, I'm a Nerd Bird :)

Julia said...

YOU are perfect just the way you are. You are talented, funny and kind. You are the perfect YOU.

maternity clothes

christine grove said...

You know what Julia? I've had quite the day today and your words just made me smile! Thank you!!

Bethany said...

Oh my gosh... we are so alike. I had a lime green car in high school... spooky!

christine grove said...

Way cool Bethany! :)