Friday, September 9, 2011


Permission to be a little abstract with my Illustration Friday submission? Good? Ok.
So I started this book project awhiiiilllle ago. And I knew this would happen. Things have evolved, as in I've learned stuff and made little improvements. This is good. I want to go from sketch to final with no boundaries (here's the abstract IF reference). Like not be all tight and such. Make it have some LIFE. Know what I mean?  This I'm trying really hard to learn, teensy bit by bit. What's not good is having to paint ones I wish I could totally redo. But I can't, I must do my best and go forward, hoping it all comes together in one nice cohesive package. With   a bow on top.

P.S. I'm totally redoing this one if I have the time.


Ray Ferguson said...

Boundaries or not, this is a great illustration.

Chibi Janine said...

What a sweet illustration I can not imagine what needs improving with it.

Anonymous said...

awee what a cute illustration :D

Puffin said...

You're a wonderful illustrator, Christine! Just fab! So glad I found your blog. I'm off to look at your website now...

Vicki Smith said...

Very sweet. I wouldn't change a thing!

June said...

The image we see, and you see, will appear different to every one of us.
You see it for the things you want to change and the minor flaws.
We see it for the delight and joy in the piece and appreciate your skills.

If you could put if away for a few years and then look at it with fresh eyes, you might just say - 'Hey, I quite like this, did I do it!' but of course, you might say 'Good grief - Did I really do that? What was I thinking!'

The thing is, there is little point in going back and eternally correcting each piece as you improve because you will become obsessive and tight. Much better to allow things to stay as they are created, and move forward to create new pieces.

( When an illustrator is doing the colour art for a whole picture book they often jump around in the sequence of spreads they paint to prevent any change being noticed from the first to last images. )

If the day ever comes when you don't look at a piece and feel there are parts you would do differently, it would be time to stop illustrating, as there would be no room left to improve and no more to learn... but that seldom happens to an artist :o)

But... despite all that I say, I can totally relate to sometimes going back and doing a piece over again just so I can get on with other things. Some times you just have to for your own sanity to stop that nagging doubt, despite all the words of wisdom saying it is lovely just as it is.

Not sure if this ramble helps at all... just goes to show your feelings are totally normal.

Patti said...

Love this! Very nice work!

Bethany said...

I understand because I feel this about my own work, but seeing this particular illustration makes me think you're crazy! This illo is full of life and fun and I love the 3D effect of the band-aid and crayon wrapper. This is a case of you not seeing what is there-- it's great!

christine grove said...

Thanks everyone:)

Hi Petra! I've love your work for long time now. Glad you're here!

Bethany you just made me laugh out loud! I AM crazy, for so many reasons...thanks for the comment!

June, good point...we should always be learning and growing. I definitely want to work towards staying looser. And so glad I'm normal!