Monday, September 5, 2011

A London Telephone Booth & Argyle Sweater...

...can only mean one thing: Super Pig! He has a desk to work incognito and a phone booth to change in. Paper dolls for the store I'm setting up. The mind goes around and around about the shop...what to offer? Will it sell? What's a good logo? What's the tag line? And on and on. And on.

Using this for Illustration Friday. What's more mysterious than a little red phone booth and a pig in a mask?


Patti said...

This is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!!!!

June said...

Perfect for I.F.
I love it!

Elina Ellis said...

Ha! I have just signed up to follow your blog because I think your drawings are amazing. And I happened to be your 100's follower! Congratulations! (Joking:)))
And if I am serious, than I LOVE your style!

Erin Vaganos said...


Ray Ferguson said...

Very cute...I'd love the see the rest of the story.

cana jimo said...

a masked pig and a phone booth, that does sound mysterious> love your works. They are amazing!

christine grove said...

Thanks all!
Elina-you have a special place in my heart;), 100th follower. Made my day.