Monday, December 26, 2011

2nd half of Rhino

Now that Christmas has passed it's safe to post the other half of the rhino...his hindquarters! This Christmas these two illustrations were decoupaged onto wood to make an ornament. There's a funny family story behind this. My mom made a chilly pumpkin soup one holiday. And one of my brother's immediately spat it out upon first sip and said "What is this?!? Rhinoceros Butt Soup?" Now we all have rhino butt's hanging from our trees to commemorate the moment. 


June said...

Poor upset Rhino! And an insult to your Mom's cooking too I suppose!
Your brother will never be allowed to forget the moment.

christine grove said...

Nope he won't :) Good thing we all have a good sense of humor!

Bethany said...

That is so funny!!!

Sarah Melling said...

Love that jokes like that are so special. I can imagine the next generation explainng that ornament for years to come!